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SaberLogic is Now Bezlio!

We've taken everything we learned during our consulting time and boiled it down into a new mobile ERP platform called Bezlio. We are still developing mobile ERP solutions using Bezlio, but we also have a trusted partner network for any services listed here that we no longer offer. Please reach out to us for more information!

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Bezlio: Mobile Accessibility to any Cloud or On-Premises ERP & CRM

bezlio sales team header

Bezlio is a revolutionary platform that allows you to utilize the cloud to access and interact with your data using apps, analytics, and dashboards, all without requiring you to expose your private enterprise data to the Internet. On-premises ERP and CRM can be made available to mobile users, without moving or copying data. Blend your cloud-based CRM data with your local ERP data!

That is the key feature of Bezlio...being able to provide mobile access to your data without opening ports to your internal network to the Internet. This tool changes the way we approach each and every customization and integration project. Instead of complex security and data access problems to overcome, we utilize our Bezlio infrastructure to deliver better, less expensive solutions for web apps, portals, and dashboards.


How Does It Work?

Bezlio Website Home Flow DiagramUsing Bezlio's data connectors for Epicor ERP, VISUAL, P21, Salesforce and more, we can now build anything from simple dashboards and database analytics to complex product configurators and mobile applications that integrate with your on-premises applications and databases. Applications can be developed and deployed in what we describe as "hyper-rapid." Using Bezl templates and some HTML coding, you can develop a mobile enterprise application that communicates with live data in as little as an hour or two.


Bezlio is a stable SaaS service that was built with security as the primary requirement of every movement of your data. We use a secure token system with end-to-end AES256 level encryption and customizable user security levels.

  • No open ports required on your firewall!
  • Absolutely no data is stored in the cloud. All data remains secured behind your firewall inside of your network.
  • Security tokens ensure each device is trusted and permitted by administrators.
  • Only administrators can determine who can connect and what data to share and they can easily break the data connection by revoking just one of the security tokens on either side of the connection.
  • All data transfers are encrypted with AES256 level encryption.
  • Bezlio Cloud operates within Microsoft's secure Azure cloud infrastructure.

Available Integrations

ERP Systems


CRM Systems




Other Data Sources & Integrations 

Employee Bio Template

SaberLogic - Eli Remington - Partner - Marketing Manager

eli remington
marketing manager & human resources manager

Professional Life

Hello! Right out of high school I started working at the family manufacturing business. I learned to do product design and CAD/CAM and was a lead for many nationally distributed products in the footwear and footcare industry.

I joined SaberLogic in 2002 as one of the founding partners. I worked as the website department's project manager until 2016 when I was able to transition full-time into a marketing and HR role. I love shaping all of the marketing details for SaberLogic and all of our product brands, including Logicity VE Mobile, and Bezlio. My role includes managing all web content, graphics, video, social media and SEO. Ahhhh, SEO. That is where I go a little overboard. OK, maybe a lot.

Personal Life

I am very proud to be married to my beautiful and talented wife Brittany, who owns her own professional photography business. I am also a first time father to an adorable and sassy 2-year old daughter, Eliana. I am also an avid Formula 1 fan and have a life goal to travel to Europe to watch a grand prix.

Favorite Part of SaberLogic

"It has been amazing to see a company grow from literally nothing to what it is today. Easily my favorite things has to be working along side so many brilliant and talented people. The creative ideas that come up are simply amazing. It is a shame we don't have the time and resources to pursue all of them!"

Robert Schnable

SaberLogic - Robert Schnable - Custom Development

robert schnable
custom development

Professional Life

I've been at SL for 4.5 years now, and doing software development professionally for 7 years. I graduated from John Carroll University with a BS in Information Systems in 2009. I'd love to go back for my masters in SE some day, but, yanno, I like spending my time singing original songs about my dog with my wife.

Personal Life

Coding, programming and technology is a passion at home as well as work. I like playing around with new technology and languages to keep my skills sharp. I also am very much into fitness, both running and strength training. When taking a break from the self-improvement train, I love to watch film, read, partake in astronomy, and play video games.

I have an amazing wife, Carissa, who I actually met at SL before she left for her current job. She's an interactive designer that was just promoted to creative director at a pet health insurance company. And we have the best dog ever, Sam. Sometimes we make up songs about Sam and sing them to him.

Why I Love SaberLogic

"Is everything an option? Quite honestly, there are very few, if any, low points concerning my experience at SL. The people are amazing. I've absolutely met some of my best friends working here. Each and every person I work with or have worked with are passionate about what they do, but also fun, friendly, and like to have a good time at work. That makes a big difference. The owners at Saber really encourage autonomy and ownership for your work, which, while sometimes makes things more challenging, it absolutely makes the end result more rewarding. I've had a lot of jobs, too many I'm often told, and this is the best I've ever had."

Kahley Cleveland

SaberLogic - Kahley Cleveland - Sales Account Manager

kahley cleveland
sales account manager

Professional Life

I joined the SaberLogic team in July 2015 as an Inside Sales Representative and quickly transitioned to a Sales Account Manager by the end of the year. My primary focus is on our VE Mobile software, but I also work with custom solution sales. Previously, I’ve worked in a variety of industries including recruiting, hospitality, and retail.

In 2013, I graduated from Kent State University with degrees in both Business Management and Marketing. During my last semester, I studied abroad in both London, England, and Dublin, Ireland. This deepened my love of traveling and knowledge of myself. Since 2012 I’ve been volunteering my time to Camp Quality Ohio, a non-profit organization that focuses on letting kids with cancer be kids again.

Personal Life

Outside of work, I take joy in practicing hot yoga, playing guitar and singing, and cheffin’ up miracles in the kitchen. I stay entertained by teaching my cats Spanish, crafting cocktails, and all things Beyoncé.

Why I Love SaberLogic

"I think the real question here is, “What is NOT to love about working at SaberLogic?” The answer is nothing. What more can you ask for than to come into work every day with a genuine smile on your face?

What keeps me smiling would definitely be the people I get to see and work with every day, but also how management genuinely wants the best for their employees and how they are very accommodating.

The flex starting time is a huge plus because it completely takes away the stress of having to “clock in” at a specific time each day. I also enjoy the atmosphere with the bright, fun colored walls – which is actually one of the many reasons I saw myself working here when I came in for my first interview. I could go on, but I’ll wrap it up with two words – FRIDAY LUNCHES!"

Glenn Smith

SaberLogic - Glenn Smith - Custom Solutions Manager

glenn smith
custom solutions manager

Professional Life

I've been in the manufacturing industry since 1977. In 1992, I transitioned into the consulting world focusing on the Visual ERP software. I had the opportunity to work with many companies where some of my clients have become personal friends. In 1998, I was selected as the first recipient of the Lilly Software Application Engineer of the Year.

Personal Life

Molly and I have been married 40 years this October, 2016 and have six grandchildren. We are very family oriented and live on a farm that has been in Molly's family since 1864. We enjoy traveling and visiting the United States. We are very involved in our church and where we serve in various capacities. I am a MAP (Mission to Amish People) board member working with the former Amish.

Favorite Part of SaberLogic

"I enjoy the camaraderie that we share as employees, willing to interact on a professional and personal level."

Eli J Remington

SaberLogic - Eli Remington - Partner - Marketing Manager

eli remington
marketing manager & human resources manager

Professional Life

Right out of high school I started working part-time at the family manufacturing business. I was the manager of our product design and CAD/CAM department and was a the lead for many nationally distributed products in the footwear and footcare industry.

I joined SaberLogic in 2002 as one of its founding partners. I worked as the website department project manager until 2016 when I transitioned full-time into a marketing and HR role. I absolutely love "shaping" all of the marketing details for SaberLogic as well as all of our individual product brands, including Logicity VE Mobile, and Bezlio. My role includes managing all web content, graphics, video, social media and SEO. Ahhhh, SEO. That is where I go a little overboard. OK, maybe a lot.

Personal Life

I am very proud to be married to my beautiful and talented wife Brittany, who owns her own professional photography business. I am also a first time father to an adorable and sassy 2-year old daughter, Eliana. I am also an avid Formula 1 fan and have a life goal to travel to Europe to watch a grand prix.

Favorite Part of SaberLogic

"It has been amazing to see a company grow from literally nothing to what it is today. Easily my favorite thing has to be working along side so many brilliant and talented people. The creative ideas that we develop are simply amazing. It is a shame we don't have the time and resources to pursue all of them!"

Epicor EDI: Rapid EDI Implementation

Businesses today are connecting like never before.  Omnichannel integration means pushing your products and services to multiple vendors websites.  This type of integration means that suppliers and vendors expect to be able to communicate electronically.  To stay ahead or beat your competition, you need to take the next step, using EDI to connect Epicor to your customer’s systems.

Our EDI Process

SPS Commerce logoSaberLogic provides the software and implementation services for the portion of the EDI process that goes between your VAN or mapping partner and your Epicor ERP.

SaberLogic has been working closely with SPS Commerce on EDI integration since 2009, and we achieved certification of our Epicor EDI solution on their RSX platform.

Solid EDI Integration Methodology

In the past, every EDI trading partner you had needed to have a custom map developed. If you had a lot of trading partners, this quickly became a lengthy and costly development process.

To solve this, SPS Commerce developed a retail standard XML format that they called RSX (Retail Standard XML). By standardizing the format, this allowed SaberLogic to develop a tight integration layer between SPS and Epicor that eliminates the manual data entry of your orders, customer invoices, warehouse shipments, etc.

You have a single channel to SPS, who sorts and separate all EDI transactions and delivers them to us according to the trading partner.

SaberLogic then takes that RSX output file from SPS Commerce and converts that to a file that Epicor can read through Epicor Demand Management and Direct Import, which is the preferred process flow for Epicor EDI handling. Outbound documents are kicked off via a BPM (Business Process Management) which uses database calls for high-performance document creation.
Flow chart of how SaberLogic's Epicor EDI process works with SPS Commerce

Implementation Process

SaberLogic's Timeline for EDI implementation between Epicor ERP and SPS Commerce

NOTE:  Total implementation time will vary based on whether you are already using SPS Commerce and on the total number of trading partners.

Supported EDI Document Types

We support the following document types:

EDI document type 810 for invoices  

810 - Invoice

    Electronic version of a paper-based invoice document. Created in response to a Purchase Order (EDI 850).
EDI document type 830 for planning schedule with release capability  

830 - Planning Schedule with Release Capability

    Used commonly as a sales forecast.
    May include shipping information, though solely based on forecasts.
EDI document type 846 for inventory inquiry and advice  

846 - Inventory Inquiry / Advice

    Used to communicate inventory information between partners.
EDI document type 850 for purchase orders  

850 - Purchase Orders

    Used to place orders for good or services. Provides information you would find on a paper Purchase Order document (item pricing, item quantities, shipping detail, payment terms, etc.).
EDI document type 855 for purchase order acknowledgement   

855 - Purchase Order Acknowledgment

    Used to confirm receipt of 850 (Purchase Order). Can include details such as: accept, reject, accept with changes, change or reject one or more lines items for freight charges and terms.
EDI document type 856 for advance ship notice  

856 - Advance Ship Notice

    Used to communicate the contents of a shipment to another trading partner.
    Sent in advance of a shipment arriving at a partner facility.
EDI document type 860 for purchase order change request   

860 - Purchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated

    Used to request the change of a purchase order that had already been sent.
EDI document type 940 for warehouse shipping order  

940 - Warehouse Shipping Order

    Provides instructions to warehouse: what, when, how much to ship.
EDi document type 945 for warehouse shipping advice   

945 - Warehouse Shipping Advice

    Used to notify partner shipment is complete.

Is there a document type you need but don’t see it in this list. No problem! Contact our sales support team to discuss your needs and we can develop a custom crafted solution to handle your specific document type needs.

Our Epicor ERP Experience

SaberLogic has 60 cumulative years of Epicor ERP experience

  SaberLogic's Epicor experience with Vantage, Epicor 9 and Epicor 10

Over 60 cumulative years
of Epicor consulting experience


Experience with Epicor 9,
Epicor ERP 10 and Vantage


Experience with the following vertical markets:

  • Manufacturing
  • Medical Devices and Components
  • Government
  • Agriculture
  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Music and Entertainment

Oops...this position has been filled

We are sorry that this position has already been filled.  :(  

However, SaberLogic is growing incredibly rapidly and will gladly accept your resume for review.  Sometimes when the right person comes along, we will find a way to make you part of our team.  Please reach out to us by submitting your resume to  

You can also go back here to our general employment opportunities page for a list of other open positions that are still available.

Epicor eCommerce and Magento Integration

Magento's eCommerce platform is an incredible front-end for your next Epicor integrated website.

  • Automatically push web orders into Vantage or Epicor 9 ERP.
  • Integrate customers so they have ship-to addresses, customer-specific pricing and even credit term specific payment methods.
  • Integrate items so that inventory and updates are quickly updated on your website.

SaberLogic - Magento and Epicor ERP Experience

Our Magento and Epicor ERP Experience

Epicor ERP Experience

  • Almost 50 years of cumulative Epicor experience, going back to Epicor Vantage v 3.0

Magento eCommerce Experience

  • 6 years of Magento development experience, dating back to 2008.
  • Over 20 stores, ranging from software sales, automotive after-market parts, nutritional supplements, industrial supplies, high-end coolers, shipping materials and lawn care equipment.

SaberLogic - Epicor and Magento Integration Options

Epicor and Magento Integration Options

Order Integration

  • New orders can be pushed from Magento into Epicor ERP, through an EDI Dashboard. This intermediate step allows customer service representatives to review orders, correct issues and approve before they are imported.
  • Update the Magento order status based on business process triggers inside of Epicor.
  • Epicor ERP order shipment records can be pushed back to Magento to increment the order status and to populate order tracking fields for customer reference.

Customer Integration

  • Bi-directional synchronization of customer information between Epicor and the website.
  • Customers can be set-up to create new accounts or require approval before ordering.
  • Choose to allow customers to checkout as a guest and orders can be routed accordingly.
  • Customers can be set-up to allow/disallow them to manage their own ship-to and bill-to locations from Magento and push into Epicor.
  • Updates to customer information inside of Epicor ERP can be pushed back and synchronized with Magento.
  • Customer accounts in Magento can be linked with Epicor ERP to specify what kind of payment methods are available to each customer based on their payment terms in Vantage or E9.
  • Magento can be enhanced to act as a customer self-service portal by providing archives of orders, invoices and other documents from within Epicor.

Items and Product Integration

  • Item details and categories can be pulled down from Epicor ERP and pushed up to the website.
  • Item pricing can be set-up by customer, customer group and quantity.
  • Available inventory from the ERP can be displayed on Magento and can define the customer ability to order.
  • Product attributes defined in Epicor can be imported into the website.
  • Products with subscriptions or recurring transactions can be set-up.
  • Custom product configurators can be programmed on the Magento front end to configure products on customer orders.

Other Epicor ERP and Magento Integrations

  • Magento to Epicor shipping integrations to provide shipment quotes at the time of order, estimated shipment lead times and quotes based on proximity to multiple shipment centers, and integrated tracking numbers.
  • Sales tax rates can be maintained in Epicor and integrated with the website, or help to integrate with a sales tax provider which can maintain and calculate rates.
  • Customer returns and RMA can be set-up and integrated as needed.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) fields on the front end, such as page titles, meta descriptions, meta robot tags can be managed through user defined fields (UDF) in Epicor.
  • SaberLogic has developed an exclusive custom Epicor credit card processing integration with Chase Paymentech to provide credit card processing to both the website's front-end transactions but also to the native Epicor sales orders.

SaberLogic - Epicor and Magento - Contact Us

Epicor and Vantage are registered trademarks of Epicor Software Corporation.

Expert Epicor Crystal Reports, BAQ, SSRS & Business Intelligence Services

Since 2002, Bezlio has provided "best in class" Crystal Reports, SSRS, and BAQ development, services, and support for reporting against the Epicor ERP (Vantage, 9, 10) platform. 

Our large team of business intelligence report developers has worked with versions of Epicor all of the way back to Epicor 3.0.  

With over 120 cumulative years worth of experience writing Crystal Reports, we are your best option for any Epicor reporting requirements.

SaberLogic - Epicor Crystal Reports

A New Epicor Implementation or Deployment?

contact us

When deploying Epicor for the first time, reports tend to be one of the last things that get "finished-up" before go-live. Contact us today and let's discuss how we can work together to quickly customize the stock reports to look and work like you need them to. 

SaberLogic - Epicor Report Development

Our Epicor and Reporting Experience

When you combine our Epicor and reporting experience, not many other organizations can compare.
  • Over 120 years of Crystal Reports experience
  • Almost 60 years of Epicor Development experience
  • Over 1500 Crystal Reports developed and edited specifically for the Epicor ERP
  • Over 125 customers for Epicor ERP-related reports since 2002
contact us

SaberLogic - Epicor Business Intelligence

Epicor ERP, Database and Crystal Reports Experience

  • Epicor Vantage 3 through 8
  • Epicor 8 ERP
  • Epicor 9 ERP
  • Epicor 10 ERP
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Progress
  • Crystal Reports v7
  • Crystal Reports v8
  • Crystal Reports v9
  • Crystal Reports v10
  • Crystal Reports XI
  • Crystal Reports 2008
  • Crystal Reports 2011
  • Crystal Reports 2013

SaberLogic - Epicor Reporting - Markets Served

Vertical Markets Served

  • Manufacturing
  • Medical and Healthcare
  • Professional Services
  • Government
  • Agriculture
  • Distribution

SaberLogic - Epicor Reporting Scope

Epicor Reporting Scope

  • Quote Management reports
  • Order Management reports
  • Inventory reports
  • Shipping and Receiving reports
  • Purchasing reports
  • Asset Management reports
  • Production Scheduling reports
  • Sales and Sales Analysis reports
  • Accounts Receivable reports
  • Accounts Payable reports
  • Check Printing and Register reports
  • Job Costing reports
  • Invoices
  • Capacity Planning reports
  • Employee reports
  • Labeling reports
  • and many more...

SaberLogic - Epicor BAQ and SSRS

Epicor BAQs & Microsoft SSRS

Crystal Reports is fantastic, but maybe you need an Epicor BAQ or a Microsoft SQL Reporting Services report developed.  No problem, we've got you covered.  We're great at that too.  Click the link to the right and let's get started!  learn more

SaberLogic - Epicor BAQ and Report Optimization

Epicor BAQ and Report Optimization

learn more Do you have a BAQ with a large amount of data or complex table links?  For Epicor customers running SQL Server, a very slow BAQs can be improved and optimized by utilizing database "Views" to expedite the report.  We can assist with optimizing the database and report to increase its speed and efficiency

SaberLogic - Epicor Business Intelligence from Multiple Sources

Crystal Reports for Multiple Applications

Crystal Reports can be developed to pull from multiple data sources and other third-party applications.  By using XML and ODBC data sources, we can bring data over from other applications to process within the Epicor Crystal Report.  learn more

SaberLogic - Epicor Multi Application Reports

Epicor and Vantage are registered trademarks of Epicor Software Corporation.

Crystal Reports is a registered trademark of Business Objects and SAP AG.

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Epicor® is a registered trademark of Epicor Software Corporation.
VISUAL is a registered trademark of Infor.