LTL Freight Quote & Shipping Software for Epicor ERP
SaberLogic has developed an incredible integration between Epicor ERP and Banyan Technologies' live, dynamic freight management service. Our solution provides you with the ability to export customer shipments, transfer order shipments, or purchase orders out of Epicor into Banyan’s management console for instant access to the best load rates from over 1100 carrier connections. Once you’ve selected a shipping carrier in Banyan, our integration will write that shipment information back into Epicor. This unique integration with Epicor gives you complete visibility and control over your LTL shipping costs.
Your Freight & LTL Pain Points
- What are your pain points around controlling your LTL/3PL freight?
- What does your process look like when you need to schedule a truckload or LTL freight?
- How often does your company research pricing and get bids to ensure you are getting the best deal for freight?
- How many hours do you spend weekly and monthly on supply chain shipping management?
- What would it mean to save 15% or more on the yearly P&L in regards to the supply chain?
Your Solution - Live Carrier Connections
SaberLogic’s unique integration between Epicor and Banyan’s comprehensive freight management software provides incredible visibility and cost savings into your LTL shipping processes. So how does this process work?
Step 1 - Export Customer Shipment, Transfer Shipment, or Purchase Order from Epicor
The Epicor Customer Shipment Entry screen and Transfer Shipment screen will include a new control to provide you with the ability to push the shipment information right up to Banyan’s system. For purchase orders, the process begins when a purchase order record is ‘Approved’, only for suppliers where you have pre-approved to use this method.
Step 2 - Importing the Epicor Shipment or PO into Banyan
SaberLogic's integration will compose all of the data from the customer shipment, transfer shipment, or PO in Epicor and then push it into the Banyan's web services. You will receive a confirmation box that the import was successful.
Step 3 - Banyan Requests Live Carrier Quotes
Next, you can open the Banyan interface to view the shipment and load details. You will see sales order numbers, pack list IDs, addresses, weights, and packaging information all imported from Epicor. When ready, simply instruct Banyan to retrieve live quotes and transit times directly from all of the carriers.
You have an opportunity to complete supplemental shipment data in the Banyan interface that may not have been available within Epicor before getting those quotes, such as dock locations and available pick-up hours.
Step 4 - Banyan Retrieves Live Carrier Quotes
Within seconds, multiple live quotes from carriers are displayed for you.
Step 5 - Select a Carrier and Approve Load
Quickly select a carrier and approve the shipment.
Banyan Technologies provides a complete cloud-based, freight management console that gives visibility into your current freight movement. Banyan maintains direct connections with the freight carriers to provide you with quick access to the current status and details of all shipments. In addition to the instant quotes, Banyan provides quick links to carrier tracking, access to POD and BOL records and complete logging of all activities around a shipment.
Step 6 - Import Banyan Shipment Data into Epicor
Once you finalize the load, SaberLogic’s integration will write that data back to Epicor and update the customer shipment or transfer shipment record. Those Epicor records will be marked as shipped, the tracking number added, the "ship via" updated according to SCAC codes, and manifest screens updated with shipping costs for reporting. If you charge your customer for shipping, that can be added to a miscellaneous line.
ROI & Benefits
There are numerous savings and benefits that SaberLogic's Epicor + Banyan live carrier integration provides!
- Banyan estimates that the typical annual savings in total freight spending are between 15 and 20%.
- Other cost savings come from reduction and repurposing of personnel, the combining of shipping operations and management under one complete system, better shipping volume management, better portfolio management, replacement of costly SMC3 contracts, and even IT cost savings from Banyan’s SaaS model.
- Banyan's carrier neutral system maintains instant, direct connections with freight carriers to allow you to make better-informed decisions, manage your risk and increase your profitability.\
- You are still able to maintain control and decide whom you want to work with, but Banyan’s system provides you with the assurance that you are making the best fiscal shipping decisions in real time.
Epicor ERP Version Compatibility
Epicor 10 and 10.1