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SaberLogic is Now Bezlio!

We've taken everything we learned during our consulting time and boiled it down into a new mobile ERP platform called Bezlio. We are still developing mobile ERP solutions using Bezlio, but we also have a trusted partner network for any services listed here that we no longer offer. Please reach out to us for more information!

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Epicor 9 ERP Custom Dashboard by SaberLogic - Epicor developmentSaberLogic's team of Epicor developers programmed a custom dashboard in Epicor 9 to make it easier for a furniture manufacturer to track and maintain their work teams. What special challenges did the manufacturer face? How did we take their unique process and engineer it into a custom Epicor ERP dashboard?

Problem - How to Manage Complex Work Teams

This particular furniture manufacturer was an Epicor 9 shop and had an unusual work team structure. They had specific production standards and an incentive-based pay structure that was based upon work teams. While there were standard members in a team, other members could be brought in and out of those teams as needed. The time that each member spent within the team needed to be tracked separately.

The issue they faced was that the stock, standard Epicor 9 ERP system did not provide the specific functionality and flexibility that they needed. They needed the ability to specify default work teams but they also needed to be able to transfer employees in and out of those teams. Time tracking was also important as they needed to track the specific amount of time that each employee was associated with each work team during the day.

Solution - A Custom Epicor 9 Dashboard

In order to provide a simple interface where an administrator could manage these teams, SaberLogic developed a custom dashboard to support their vision of work teams. This new workbench was to provide their team supervisors with the ability to clock employees onto and off teams, transfer them to other teams, or mark an employee as inactive on a standard team.

SaberLogic - Epicor 9 ERP Dashboard - Custom Workbench ScreenshotFor security and administrative reasons, this dashboard was locked down in the Epicor 9 MES menu with access restricted to supervisors. This set-up helped to ensure that standard operators and users wouldn't be bogged down with seeing team operations while also doing their normal, individual clock-in and out.

On the back-end, all of the team's data and information is being stored in an Epicor user defined table. The system was built to be flexible going forward because they expect to add features to the workbench, including performance tracking that will link to their incentive pay structure.


Epicor's ability to be customized is what helps to make projects like this possible. Epicor users can manage their business in the best and most competitive way possible without having to worry that their ERP can not be made to match their needs. SaberLogic's team of Epicor 9 and Epicor 10 developers, consultants and support members would be happy to discuss your particular project. What processes would you implement internally if you didn't feel confined by Epicor's stock processes and screens? We would love to hear from you!

We should talk!

Do you have questions, feedback or want to discuss a project that has been bouncing around in your head?
Shoot us an email. Give us a shout. Send out a smoke signal. Maybe a singing telegram? Or just drop by our offices if that is easier. We can let you know if we can provide a solution using Bezlio or if we have a trusted partner that can handle your project!

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